
To support the consistency and quality of apprentices on-the-job training, LO will acquire a customized web-based skills portal that will serve as a digital logbook and training resource for apprentices and employers. The portal will provide individual skills checklists and serve as a digital logbook for employers attestation (via electronic signature) of the apprentices skills and provide user friendly learning resources to support the apprentices skill development. The portal will include the below functionality in order to support the apprentices learning and skills development, and the employers training delivery

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  • Each apprentice will be connected to one employer and to LO as the group sponsor.
  • Each employer will be able to see their list of apprentices; LO will be able to review the status of all apprentices.
  • Each apprentice will login to the portal via an individual account and have access to their personal apprenticeship training and skills passport.
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  • The skills passport will include a checklist of the skillsets required in the 441c Horticulture Technician Trade, as well as additional skills that are deemed necessary by LO or the employer.
  • Employers will be able to share feedback with the apprentice and digitally sign off on their skills, creating an e-certified attestation of the skills. /li>
  • This skills checklist will be printable and downloadable, utilizing e-certification capability.
  • Through LO, the apprentices profile will be portable and transferable to another employer in the event that they move jobs over the course of their apprenticeship.
  • Learning materials, including videos, study guide and exam prep resources will be available and broken down as required by the skill level to support the apprentices learning and the employers on-the-job training.
  • Both the apprentice and the employer will have access to an LO mentor via the portable and be able to submit questions, or easily be put in touch.
  • The portal will automatically send monthly and quarterly reminders and reports to the apprentices, employers and group sponsors to support progress monitoring of on-the-job training.
  • The portal could provide embedded digital exam prep questions with automatic marking.